授業予約は独自のシステム。教科書はGoogle Presentationで作られた独自教材。いつでも参照可能です。授業はZoomを使って、先生が画面共有してすすめていきます。
auditorium = a large building or hall used for public gatherings,
accountable = the fact of being responsible for what you do
affiliate = officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization.
lively = full of life and energyFEEDBACK:
I’m glad to see you in my class. Thank you so much for being cooperative in completing the sentences. You were doing well by providing precise answers. There were only a few words you were not familiar with. Your interest in coping with your lapses was there. Keep up the good work!
LIFEという授業は、生活の中のあるトピックに対して学ぶものでした。このときのトピックは、Houses and Apartments。ホームタウンや理想の家についてディスカッション。IELTSのスピーキングテストの自己紹介ででてくるような内容でした。
最初に単語の解説があります。dingy shabby crampedは知らなかったです。その後、質問に答えて、文章を作って、文法の解説を受けます。単語が繰り返しでてくるので覚えやすいです。
📚A. Corrections:
➡️dingy (din′jē)📌Vocabulary:
💡spacious – is large and has plenty of space to move around in
💡cramped – does not have enough space for the people in it💡modern -made or done using the most recent designs or methods
💡shabby -worn out, old, and in poor condition
💡public -available for anyone to use
💡dingy -dark, dirty, and in bad condition
💡convenient – close and easy to reach
💡private -for use by one person or group, not for everyone📌Grammar errors:
🔴I really need my private room to concentrate something.
✔️Better Say: I really need my private room to concentrate on something.🔴There are many public toilet in Tokyo.
✔️Better Say: There are many public toilets in Tokyo.🔴 My items are usually shabby because I used for a long time.
✔️Better Say: My items are usually shabby because I have used them for a long time🔴Bathroom is dingy.
✔️Better Say: The bathroom is dingy.🔴I’m looking for a spacious house that have a private room for me.
✔️Better Say: I’m looking for a spacious house that has a private room for me.🔴I want a modern furniture and not shabby in condition.
✔️Better Say: I want a modern furniture that is not shabby in condition.📚B. Feedback:
Hello, Mr. Yoshi! Nice to meet you! I wanted to tell you that you’re doing a good job expressing yourself, especially when you know a lot about the subject. I encourage you to practice more on your speaking skills and to expand your vocabulary in English. This will undoubtedly enhance your ability to express yourself effectively. Keep up the good work and thank you for your efforts today. Job well done!