Filipino teacher are amazing for beginner student to upper intermediate. Because they are very good at explaining English basic.


「英会話学習はフィリピン留学がベストだ。彼らの英語を教えるスキルは驚きだ。初級から中級の上のレベルであれば、フィリピン人はネイティブより上手に教える。」と語るのは、アメリカ人のマット。彼は元宣教師で、今はタガイタイにある語学学校Face to Faceのオーナーであり、ヘッドティーチャー。

He is Matt from America, a former missionary, the owner of the language school Face to Face in Tagaytay now, and head teacher also.

He said ‘If you wanna learning English abroad, Philippines is the best. Skills to teach their English is surprising. If your level on the basic-to-intermediate, Filipinos teach better than native speakers.’

タガイタイのFace to FaceのMatt
マット(Face to Faceのヘッドティーチャー)、35歳男性


My name’s Matt, Matt Flamm. I’ve been a teacher of various things including English for more than 15 years now…


Here in the Philippines?


No. I’ve been teaching different things since all the way back in 1998. So, everything from English to Physics and engineering.


I was a teacher at a university for manufacturing engineering.


and just low level. I wasn’t like one of the head professors, or anything, but freshman and sophomore year college students of Manufacturing engineering. So I’ve taught a lot of things for a long time.


I’ve lived in the Philippines for about 5 years. And I’ve been teaching English here for almost 4 years.


But I taught English before in Mexico and the United States. So I’ve taught a lot in a lot of places. But the Philippines is the best.


best? To live? To study?


Oh yeah!


yeah, because you love the Philippines very much. I feel so. What is the good points?


I think the best part of the Philippines….There is no best part, everything’s nice….I love the people. I love how friendly they are. I love how open they are: how quick they are to make you their friend. They always want you to be their friend.


I love the weather. I’m from Utah, and in the winter in Utah we sometimes get 2 to 3 meters of snow, in different parts of the state. I’ve been in -40 Celsius weather. 




Yeah! It’s terrible. I hate the cold. So here I don’t have to deal with the cold. It’s tropical!



I love the food. The food is…oh… I love mangos. But not just mangos. There’s so many different kinds of food. And even just their cooking style. It’s unique. It’s not like… Like in the United States, of course we can always get American food. It’s very easy to find Chinese, Japanese, European types of food. Things like that are very common. But there’s no Filipino restaurants, and I don’t know why, because really it’s very good.


So you really love Filipino food. But first time I felt it was too sweet.


It depends on what you eat. There are things that are too sweet. I definitely would agree.


Do you love Jollibee?


I hate Jollibee. Jollibee is terrible, because it’s too sweet. Like their mayonnaise tastes like it has sugar in it, and that’s just not right. But you don’t have to eat Jollibee. There’s tons of restaurants you can choose from that are not bad.



Face to Face の食事は美味しい


About English. You’re teacher’s here at Face to Face English School in Tagaytay. After I came here – it was two years ago – my image about the Philippines was changed. So now I think the Philippines is the best place to study English, especially for beginners. Tell me your opinion about this.


I think you’re right. Honestly my image before I came to the Philippines was very different too. I thought it was just going to be extremely poor, and dirty, and dangerous – and there are parts that are like that. There are places in the Philippines that ARE very poor, or dirty, or dangerous – but most of the country is really nice.


I think that helps people that want to study English because it’s comfortable, and it’s calm in the Philippines and it’s very relaxed, and I think that helps studying.


But also, the big reason everybody wants to study in the Philippines is because Filipinos are really good at English.


You feel so?


I do


But before you came here? Did you think so?


Before I came to the Philippines? Oh no! I thought zero English. I did not think they spoke ANY English. I didn’t know that they spoke at all.


It was very surprising actually. I don’t know if you know this, but lots of Americans retire to the Philippines. And there are starting to be a lot of Koreans and Japanese also. And one of the reasons they like to retire is because it’s easy to communicate. Everybody speaks English.


It makes it very easy for us as a language school to find teacher that are very good at English, and that can teach really easily. Really help the students.


For example I taught in Mexico I mentioned. I wasn’t there very long, but it was very difficult to find Mexican teachers that spoke good English. Even though they’re America’s neighbor, their English is terrible. Whereas here in the Philippines, even though it’s across the ocean, their English is very good.


Only the teachers?


Over all. Teachers are obviously the best of the English speakers, but all the call center agents…really good English. Businessmen? Really good English. You can go anywhere and talk to anyone in English and at least communicate a little. Maybe they won’t know very many words or maybe you won’t know very many words but you’ll still be able to use English to talk to each other a little bit.


In fact the BBC just named the Philippines as the No1 for business English in the world, after the native speaker countries. So the English is very good here.


The Philippines is fast becoming the world’s low-cost English language teacher – with numbers of students trebling in the past four years.

The Philippines: Low-cost English teacher to the world (BBC)


so they can speak English very well, so how is their teaching skill?


It depends on the teacher. That’s two different things. Being able to speak English and being able to teach English are two different things.


I have to admit I’ve worked with teachers before that could not teach because they speak really well, so they get a job teaching, but they don’t know how to help others learn.


That’s not every teacher. There’s also teachers who are very good teacher.


yeah. Many. In fact I think – for English- there’s probably more good teacher here than in the United States, for English as a second language. Because Filipinos learn English differently than a native speaker.


They’re better at explaining the rules and the more basic parts of English. They’re more patient because they don’t expect the person that they’re speaking with to understand right away, so they work with you a little bit more until you really do understand. Filipinos, the teachers, also have a lot of energy.


They make the class more interesting – more fun – because they’re not just lecturing. It’s not boring.


Yeah. Because of their personality?


yeah. Because they’re so friendly and lively. Very energetic. Really I think the Philippines…I agree with you when you say it’s the best place to study English. Especially for beginner to upper intermediate.


Another nice thing about the Philippines is that because there are a lot of Americans and brits (British people) and Australians who come here, you could actually come to the Philippines and have classes with just native teachers.


There’s many schools that have native teachers, including obviously here. Me. So even if you’re advanced you can save money and come to the Philippines and have native teachers teach you, as opposed to going to the United States or Canada or great Britain and paying MUCH higher prices, and not getting as much time to talk because it’s a big group class.


Yes. But here in the Philippines it’s man to man.


Yeah. Filipino teachers are amazing for beginning and intermediate, and maybe upper intermediate, because they’re very good at explaining the basics.


better than native speakers?


yeah, usually. And then native speakers are really good once your grammar is really pretty good, and you’re pretty fluent, and you have a good vocabulary. Natives are really good to help you with your pronunciation, your intonation.


Learning to use English words: Filipino teachers are better.


Learning to sound American: Native speakers are better.


So until you’re ready to try and sound American, when you’re still learning the rules and the basics, Filipino teachers are better.


To be honest, it’s a waste of money to go to America or Canada. Because it’s just so expensive. You don’t have time to practice.


The only real advantage that it has is that when you leave the school you hear American English.


So if you go to a restaurant that’s what you hear. More immersion. But if it cost’s 4 times more, I don’t think that’s worth it.


You can come here, use English all the time in school, and save a lot of money.


So totally the same idea. After I came here luckily I’ve had a lot of time to visit different schools. And I feel the best place to study is here, especially for beginners. And yesterday I had a chance to talk to you more, and we have the same ideas.


Yeah, I think we have similar understanding of the Philippines.


So now you’re head teacher, right? But you have class also?


Yeah, it depends on the student. I do group classes that are free and optional, so anybody who comes to study with the Filipinos, they can join my group classes also.


Face to Face でネイティブのグループレッスン

And depending on the students I’ll do classes to help people out. I’ve done a few classes with Shota (one of the students here right now) because he’s studying for IELTS, and I have a lot of experience with teaching IELTS so I’ve done a few classes to help him out.


If student want something, then you can have class with them.


Face to Face の先生

And you have the responsibility to keep quality teachers. So how are this school’s teachers?


they’re good! They each have their own strengths. For example Angela has really good pronunciation. Some of the best I’ve heard in the Philippines. Whereas other teachers might not have as good, but for example Mark is extremely good at grammar and teaching grammar. Bob, very good at teaching business English. Juls is amazing at teaching writing. Better than me by far.



Each teacher has their own strengths, each teacher has their own focus in classes, but they’re all really quite good. That’s one reason we are trying to keep our school a little small.


We want to expand to other locations, but it will just be another small school at that location.


Because once you start getting the big schools – 100+ students, 60 teachers – it’s impossible to choose the best teachers. You just have to take any teacher you can get because you need to have enough teachers for all the students.


Whereas down at 10 – 20 students we have the privilege to only hire the best teachers.


Jun and I both, as we’ve worked together to find this school, we really agree that we want to keep the best teachers, so we’ve really designed a way that we can reward the really good teachers so that they’ll always want to stay here, so that we’ll always have high quality teachers.


A lot of schools have problems. For example Mark – I used to work with him at another school. He was one of their team leaders – one of their head teachers. And he quit because the school didn’t value him. 




Their attitude is that they can always hire another teacher. So if a teacher feels they deserve a raise because they’re a really good teacher, or maybe they need a different schedule, or something like that, the school will just say “no” and hire somebody else.




yeah, it’s really bad actually. So a lot of teacher still move from school to school to school every few months.


every few months?


Yeah, I’d say average at most schools, a teacher will stay less than one year. And we don’t want that here. We want the best teachers to come and love it, so that the students love it, and then they just stay so we always have the best.


But I know some schools like that.


Yeah I do, too.



タガイタイの語学学校Face to Face

So this school’s teacher each have their strong points. But here in Tagaytay it’s the country side. In my opinion it’s a little difficult to find good teachers.


we’ll because we value them, and because we reward them, our teacher come from all over. Angela is from Laguna, over closer to manila. Mark is from Pampanga. Actually he’s from Davao and move to Pampanga maybe 6 hours away. Bob and Juls are from a city called Trece Martires that’s way over there. 


Because Tagaytay is awesome, everybody wants to live here. Because we pay what they’re worth, everybody wants to teach for us. And because Jun and I have a different management style they want to stay. So even though there aren’t that many good teachers here now, they will come to work for us.

So this school finds teachers not only hear in Tagaytay but in the whole Philippines.


yeah in fact my plan is tomorrow I’m probably going up to Pampanga to do some interviews. I’m going to be gone all day.


Really? It’s not so near. 5 Hours?


No because it’s a weekday, it’ll probably be about 6.5 or 7 hours, because of more traffic. So we’ll go wherever we need to, to find good teachers.


I feel like this is one of the good schools, even though it just began maybe 3 months ago.


Thank you! Yeah about 3 months.



So do you have any plans for the future of this school?


of course! Many plans! For now we’re just focusing on here in Tagaytay. We want to make sure that Japanese students know about their options. I think most Japanese know about Cebu, Manila, and maybe Clark. And that’s it!


They don’t know about all these other beautiful places. And to be honest Manila is terribly dirty and polluted. It’s very convenient – it’s near to malls and things like that – but it’s not a very nice place to live.


Clark is….well it’s not my favorite. Let’s just say that I don’t like Clark very much. It’s so hot and dry. It’s a different climate. It’s almost like a desert compared to out here. It’s so much hotter.


Cebu is pretty nice, but it’s becoming more and more expensive. Whereas here in Tagaytay the weather is perfect all year…


not hot.


Yeah. And it’s close enough to the malls and things that if you want to go shopping or into manila, we’re only an hour from manila, or an hour and a half.


But it’s far enough away from the city that it’s clean and fresh. There are beautiful views and things….


Okay. Thank you very much.


(2014年6月9日(月) タガイタイのFace to Faceで)



僕はフィリピンがいいというより、マンツーマンがスゴイと思ってたけど、フレンドリーじゃなかったら1対1の授業は苦痛かもしれない。やっぱりフィリピン人の性格も英語学習にポジティブに作用してると思う。話してて楽しいって大切。食事と部屋に授業がついて月12万ぐらいで、初級にオススメなのです。Face to Faceに興味ある方は公式サイトへどうぞ。

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Face to Face (タガイタイ)




中谷 よしふみ

