Interview of Mildred of head teacher of PICO Language Schools in Alabang in Manila. I tried to hear the quality of education, the characteristics of the school, and security. By the way, PICO is strict to love between the students and teachers.
English interview tough, but to write a character is more. I will do my best to be able to complete more.

My name is Teacher. Mildred. I have been teaching for more than 10 years. I have been in PICO for more than 2 years so far I have been in different academies and some Philippine universities here in the Philippines.
Now you are head teacher here and usually head teacher manage only teacher but you prefer to teach student also, right?
Yes but not only teaching but then also different task like making the curriculum also for the students, supervising the teachers and then if we have visitors I try to entertain them also and at the same time introduce to them school.
So I stay for a week and I talk to you for a lot of time and I know a lot about you. At first I was surprised because you were not the Filipino I image. My image of a Filipino is not so hard worker but you so maybe you have a lot of task and you have a responsibility to do, right? so I wanna ask why you are like you?
Ohhh why I do a lot of things?
No no. So usually Filipino don’t want to work overtime of course Japanese also and wanna go back home early time. Maybe they choose their life than work but I feel you are not… you are like a Japanese sometimes you are workaholic maybe… Do you agree?
Ahhh because I was here when PICO started. And even before when I do something that I like I give my 100% and as I have told you before when PICO started I was also here so my passion in teaching.
And at the same time my eagerness to help Mr. Watanabe and also Miss Lhiezel pushed me a lot to work harder maybe the same as what Mr. Watanabe is giving also and Miss Lhiezel to this school.
So your boss want you to do a lot of task?
Yes and at the same time I also like to do it.
Because I wanted to help and I like teaching. Teaching the student it doesn’t matter whether they are foreigners or not. Because when it is your passion to teach you are not going to count the things that you are doing for the school and also for the students.
You do whatever you can do that is teaching I think that is your dedication to the kind of profession that you choose to do.
You have great motivation to teach. You love?
Yes I do umm.
So you have a different experience to teach not only here Korean language also and for Filipino.. Ahh so what does this school PICO character?

Compared to the other schools? Okay let’s talk about first.. maybe you want to know about the welfare? Welfare of the teachers.
What is a welfare?
Mean to say the treatment how they manage the teachers because it is different from other companies from other universities so normally from the different universities that I have been to and academies.
I would say even if PICIO is just a small school they give what is due for the teachers. What is supposed to be for the teachers they compensate the teachers well and at the same time if you deserve to be paid accordingly to the service that you are giving then you will be compensated enough. They give us also the benefits but other schools that cannot give.
Yeah so even if this is just a small school just a new school they try to give to the teachers whatever they can and Mr. Watanabe also is very good to give the other teachers the chance to go to Japan to experience how to promote the school and at the same time to interact with the Japanese people.
So you mean this school’s umm treatment for the teachers is great?
So now you are head teacher so you have responsibility to keep teacher quality right? But sometime it’s difficult because teachers experience is different.
Yes yes
And then student are only Japanese here? So how do you teach the other teachers?
After hiring them we give them first.. 3 days training.
So first, about the Japanese culture. They have to know that because most of the teachers here in the Philippines their experience in teaching is for Koreans students so it is very much different.
So they have to be aware about the do’s and dont’s that they need to teach they need to ask the students because if not problems can arise.
Sorry sorry.. three days only culture?
Not .. not only culture right because that is during the first day of the training. we teach them the culture of the Japanese people because they have to know everything but maybe not everything because it would be it is not enough to teach them okay the culture of the Japanese people for one day but we try at least the basic.
And then after that we try to again ahh teach them how we do the curriculum we try to introduce to them the curriculum the books that we are using and then how we conduct our classes here. And then after that we try them to observe some of the classes.
Ahh for the three days?
Because most of them they have already experience so they can teach but then but it is quite different because Koreans so we let them observe also how Japanese students react, respond to the teachers what topics are or needed to be discussed okay so those are the things that they must be aware of.
Okay , If so sometimes a new teacher observe you?
Yes, or outside. But before we do that we have to do that okay we have to ask the permission of the student also. We just do not let the teacher sit down okay and then listen because some students they are not comfortable. Right? If someone is listening to them.
So we have to first ask the permission of the student if it is okay with them. Then we let the teacher okay sit down with them.
How do you learn.. how did you learn how to deal with Japanese?
Ummm… Maybe it comes with experience and also yes before I started here in PICO I also have.
So have you had also some mistakes?
Yes of course! For example when you try to ask some questions..
Ahh personal questions because we Filipinos right? You know that very well personal question is not really a big issue here.
But for Japanese I think they would like to keep it for themselves only but Filipinos because we are very jolly.
Jolly, jolly person very happy! It’s like everything.
Ahh jollibe? Sorry Jollibee comes from?
Yes that’s why it’s Jollibee because it’s happy bee..

Ahh anyway so in my opinion, this school’s good point is to make the curriculum personalized.
So usually school have some material and the student just choose. Pronunciation and grammar like that. But this school so you and the other veteran teacher work with the students want and ah so little by little changing the material it’s like.. I feel so because at first my material I can do but next day oh very difficult so because you thought this material is very easy for me and so you change.. So.. ah this is the one that this school’s good point but ah this is a little difficult for teacher because teacher have to prepare because every student different text sometime.
Yeah that’s correct!
You told me 3 days training? After that the teacher have a class?
Yes. But then I have to evaluate first.. If they can really handle okay their classes already.
How did you know?
I let them do demo teaching on the third day because I told you right they have three days training.
First day, is for culture, school policies and regulations company’s policies.
And then second day about the materials that we are using how to read the curriculum how to follow the curriculum and then also some text books and including also the DVDs that we are using and the CDs those materials.
And then on the third day we let them again scan the books after scanning those books we give them time to sit with the students in their class.
But in the afternoon we ask them what have you noticed from the classes that you have observed? And then we still have remaining hours I ask them to prepare some materials for their demo teaching again and then.
After three days?
Yes, after there days or after, within the last day. Then after that I ask them again to do the demo teaching if it is possible If I can pull out one student again for them to have the demo teaching for one more time then we do it then if I can see he or she can’t still handle I will teach them again or another teacher will teach them again.
Ah okay teacher can handle..
Yes.. but normally that teachers that we hire they have already experience in teaching the only thing that they have to remember is about the culture of the Japanese people.
Do you understand Japanese culture? Is it difficult?
Umm maybe for new teachers it would be quite difficult but for those who have already experienced handling or visiting Japan it would not be that difficult. Because some Filipinos also they can go to Japan and then have an experience interacting with some Japanese people. But for those who came from maybe the province or in the country side so it would be quite different or very much different we really have to orient them about the Japanese culture.
Okay and after that you have to evaluate the other teacher right? So what’s the point to evaluate?
To let them know their weak points and their strong points.
How do you do find the teacher’s skill? Because you have a class also?
Yes, so I try to schedule.. manage my time okay.. if I have an extra time..
Join the class?
No not really joining the class, because they would be nervous and at the same time they are not comfortable.
Yeah! student also, If so how did you know?
I try to stay outside, I pretend doing something.
And listen?
Sometimes, I am outside just reading ‘ahh what is this magazine?’ Okay or the maybe the bulletin board I am checking. ‘Ahhh… this one we need to change this already’ but my ears and my eyes. I’m listening..
It’s secret?
Yes of course!!
Wow!! You record.
It’s part of my job. Or sometimes I am just looking I’m not saying anything but I try to remember everything that they are doing.
So to evaluate the teacher is only for your job? Only you?
Yes! And then I have to report to Miss Lhiezel also.
So even if they are not teaching also because it’s not only about teaching skill it’s about their relationship also with other teachers so normally I try to talk with them also sometimes, have some conversation or I just observe and just checking if they are getting along well with each other and then I try to listen also on how they speak to their colleagues and I can see who has bad attitude. trouble maker, gossip maker.
If there are bad attitude somebody. How did you deal with?
I try to have a private talk with her or with him, I don’t normally talk in front of other teachers because that is not good right? … so secretly, I will say let’s have a talk then we go to the skype room and have a private talk conversation.
If you have a chance to talk directly so the problems can be solved?
Umm .. yes, we normally give them first chance, second chance or third chance or maybe no more.
Uhumm .. fire?
Yes, If we need to let them go or we need to fire them of course we do.
So umm.. what’s the worst problem?
Ahhh, Is it off the record?
If you don’t wanna say it’s okay..
No no it’s okay. Ahh.. during the orientation I told you on the second day we normally talk about or even on the first day also company’s policy right and part of that or included in that policy is avoid having relationship with the student because that is a very big problem it’s something that we can’t control because most probably they would say we are already adults but we have to maintain professionalism right?
So even during the orientation I try to emphasize or reiterate. That having a relation with the students or with the student is a big no no that is a ground for termination.
Some of them of course they would say.. ‘Oh no!! we are not going to do that.’ but I know also I have some notion I can sense whose going to do it and who is not going to do..
Haha you feel so?
Yes of course!! because I am older than them so I know I can sense but of course I am not going to judge them because it is only their first day and maybe my feeling is also wrong!
Could be!
Yah could be but could be true also right. But it happen sometimes..
Before it happens. We try our best to talk to the teacher because if the teacher will say no.. nothing would happen.
Even if the student would insist.. because the teacher has to say always NO. Maybe after, It’s possible because they are already adults we could not control that one if the student already left PICO but as long as the student is still in PICO it is our responsibility and we have to maintain the integrity of the school.
Because I don’t want to say this one because it happens most of the time in some academies especially in Korean academies..
Yeah I know..
So, I don’t want to happen it also here in PICO but of course no matter how strict we are it sometimes happen it also but we don’t want to happen it again.
So the worst thing!!! that could happen is to have a relationship with your student and teacher. Teacher and student relationship is always a ground for termination.
Here in PICO I feel strict rule. Some school don’t have a rule. It’s okay because you are adult, up to you like this..
Umm.. yeah because the students’ purpose of coming here is to study right? And most of them are company students and university students so their parents they allowed them to come here and study in the Philippines because their parents are hoping that their English skill would improve after one month, two months or three months right?
And we wanted to help those parents to achieve their dream of helping their children to improve their English skill because it will be for their future. But if we would be allowing the student and teacher relationship then the student’s focus would be divided right? it’s no longer about studying English but rather making relationship which is strictly prohibited.
Umm.. but you know if people would fall in love with somebody you can’t control.
Yes.. that’s right that’s why we are telling them after your short course it’s up to you!
Okay! I understand your point because maybe then I can’t imagine this one will not finish.
But then we also, for the record, we also don’t say punish but we let the teacher go because It happened already one time and It could happen again on the second time. So we’d rather let the teacher go and then student go.
If the student would listen we let him finish the course that’s the rule but If the student would not listen we let him go back to Japan. We did that already twice.
Twice? In two years?
Two and a half years.

What is the important thing to teach for Japanese?
First.. is let them first adjust to the kind of situation where they are in it is very important because some students are closed minded.. So it’s very difficult for the teachers.
You mean make the student relax?
Yes relax and at the same time open up.
Is it easy for you?
Depends.. there are some students who are very difficult to handle right? And there are some who are very easy also but most difficult hahaahahha I’ m sorry.
But your skill in teaching If you really love what you are doing It would not be difficult to penetrate the student’s mind because they will feel if you really love to teach them If you really love to help them they will feel. Oh my teacher wanted to help me so I have to open up too and accept what my teacher is trying to teach me.
I think there is no school that is perfect. What is the thing that use umm to improve this school?
Ahhh I think we need to attend some trainings. Like to improve also the teachers teaching skill.
Like for example there are some seminars provided by the government or maybe some private sectors or international l conference also okay.
I think that is needed in order to have a continuous studies for the teachers. To be able to know what is the trend now in ESL.
Yes.. you have to update and get the latest information. So that..
Correct. Books we can buy in the internet but then the new trend in ESL and effective teaching for Japanese and Korean students we need to learn that from the experts it’s part of the teachers continues training.
Ah okay, I can Imagine your attitude also about education.
If you have message also for the students who wants to come here umm do you have some message?
Ahh okay for our students.. future students who would like to try and experience studying in the Philippines we would assure them that studying in PICO.. they are safe because we try our best to give them also the best and considering the teachers qualification they are assured that the teachers are very much qualified to teach them and the accommodation that we are providing to them it’s very safe and also about the Philippines because most of them they are hesitant to come here..
The government and also the teachers we are helping each other, the government and the teachers to clean the image of the Philippines. So those students who are afraid to come maybe they should try coming here in the Philippines like you!! to know if it is really safe to study.. if it worth to study in the Philippines or not.. not just by listening to what others are saying about the Philippines. Because nowadays compared with other countries Filipinos can be very friendly!
That’s right!
Can be very accommodating! and at the same time very much passionate in teaching and helping the Japanese people to improve their English skill.
But I feel that the government is not so good.
But Filipinos really very friendly, have strong passion in teaching and talkative.
So If you really wanted to improve your speaking skill, you can do that because the teachers they do not only help you and teach during class hours even after class hours.
You can ask your teachers to spend time with you and enjoy talking and by talking you can already improve your speaking skill.
Like me.
Not like when you go to other countries. You can only do that during class hours.
And after you can not anymore disturb or invite your teachers. Maybe possible but very seldom but Filipinos even their rest time they would still accommodate you and they would still help you.
Thank you very much!
(2014年6月8日(日) マニラのPICOにて)
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